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Awareness Through Movement® Classes Online via Zoom


Weekly ATM Classes are currently on hiatus while prepare to fins

Awareness Through Movement® (also known as ATM) classes take you through a cumulative series of slow, gentle, and functionally-based movements to provide you an exploratory experience in learning to sense and feel how  you move.  Because Feldenkrais® works with your awareness - via your brain, nervous system, and kinesthetic abilities - your whole self becomes involved in the process.


Classes typically begin lying down on the ground, may include standing or sitting, and last between 40 minutes to an hour.  Each class revolves around a specific functional movement theme.  At the end of class, students are often amazed by the results, because they have that feeling you get after ATM, like you're "walking on air".  'That feeling' is hard to describe - somehow lighter, clearer, more connected, calmer, happier even ...  come to class and experience it for yourself.  


To learn more about the class, read these guidelines I send to new students by clicking the pdf:


To register, contact me using the form below.     


Pay What You Want or $15/class 

Pay via Venmo:  @Sarah-Silk-2  


If $15 is not affordable for you, please come to class anyway. You may pay what is sustainable for you, whatever makes you comfortable, whatever you think it's worth, or whatever gets you to come to class, no matter the amount.

Free lessons
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